Music at Mount Calvary
As we are reminded by the inscription found on our organ, Veni Creator Spiritus, the purpose of music at Mount Calvary is to invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts and lives. Gathering each week to worship Almighty God, we strive to offer up to Him music that is worthy of His Name, music of depth and beauty performed at the highest standards.
In each service, we sing ancient plainchant melodies that have adorned the sacred texts of the liturgy for many centuries. We also sing polyphonic anthems drawn primarily from the Renaissance period, a time when the finest composers in Europe wrote choral music for the church. This music has a sublime beauty that evokes a spirit of reverence and worship. It has a spiritual depth often lacking in the everyday music of our time, both secular and sacred.
As an Anglican Use parish within the Roman Catholic Church, Mt Calvary continues a tradition of choral excellence inherited from its Anglican patrimony. The choir consists of professional singers and highly skilled volunteers. It provides music for the 10:00 am service on Sundays and principal feast days from September through May. Singers interested in joining the choir are invited to contact the choirmaster.
We hope that you will join us at Mount Calvary in lifting up Christ in the beauty of holiness.
The Organ
Built in 1961, the organ at Mount Calvary was the result of a collaboration between the famous Dutch organ builder, Dirk Flentrop, and Charles Fisk, the owner of the Andover Organ Company.
One of the first instruments of its kind in the United States, this organ is particularly significant for its tonal design, which closely follows the model established by the famous North German Baroque organ builder, Gottfried Silbermann. The case design is based on the Gothic organ case in Amiens Cathedral in France. For more information about this wonderful instrument, please visit
This Week's Calendar
Tuesday - February 11
4:00 pm - Evening Office
4:30 pm - Spoken Mass
Wednesday - February 12
12:10 pm - Spoken Mass
6:00 pm - Evening Prayer (Zoom Only)
Thursday - February 13
8:00 am - Morning Prayer
8:30 am - Spoken Mass
Friday - February 14
Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop
No Public Mass
Saturday - February 15
No Public Mass
Sunday - February 16
8:45 am - Legion of Mary
9:00 am - Morning Prayer
9:30 am - Confession
10:00 am - Sung Mass
11:30 am - Brunch
12:15 pm - Junior Legion of Mary
Monday - February 17
Pre-Lenten Feria
No Public Mass
Tuesday - February 18
Pre-Lenten Feria
4:00 pm - Evening Office
4:30 pm - Spoken Mass
Location & Contact
Mount Calvary Catholic Church
816 N. Eutaw Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-4624
Phone: (410) 728-6140
Contact Us